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A field featuring customizable offsets empowers you to apply temporal filters, with 0 signifying the initial moment of admission. If your intention is to refer to the first second of ICU admission instead of PDMS admission, make use of ICUOffset. In this context, the first value greater than or equal to ICUOffset corresponds to the initial value within the ICU dataset.

Offset Types

  • After Admission
  • After (>=)
  • Before (<)
  • Between (>= X and < Y)

Offset Value

The offset value can be one of the following:

  • A number (time in seconds from ICU admission)
  • A number and a time identifier, like "d" (days) or "h" (hours)
    • "3d" will be the first second of the third day
  • A field identifier, an "f" followed by field index
    • f2 will be the third field of query
    • (this is used to define a timespan after a offset, like last laboratory before first erythrozyte application)