Data Description Medication

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Contains all medication given during stay. Additional data like name and unit of measurement is found in d_references, where medication.DrugID is associated to d_references.ReferenceGlobalID. Metavision does not differ between continuous or single doses in rangesignals, so a single dose is set to 60 second admission time. Each change of a continuous application will end the current entry and create a new one.

Name Type Description Comment
id Integer Primary Key
CaseID Integer Case identifier
DrugID Reference
Offset Integer Time in seconds after admission
OffsetDrugEnd Integer If drug was given continuously refers to end of application. Field is set to 60 seconds on bolus application.
IsSingleDose Integer Set to 1 when given as bolus.
Amount Float Full amount given regardless of time Unity of measurement found in d_references
AmountPerMinute Float Dosage per minute Unity of measurement found in d_references